Our launcher has arrived!

My Neighbor Alice
4 min readJun 30, 2022


Hi Neighbors!

Last year, we announced our plans for an initiative to increase the accessibility of My Neighbor Alice by releasing our own game launcher. Our recent article with Ola provided some more details on our journey to develop the launcher to hold the highest possible standard. We are now excited to announce that the launcher is here!

This means that users and neighbors will be able to download and install the game directly from the official My Neighbor Alice website when the game launches without having to set up an account on a central distribution platform as well. By following the steps below you will be able to install the launcher. Please note that you will need to have a PC with Windows in order to install the launcher.

So how then to use the game launcher?

1. You will first need to install the launcher on https://chromia-launcher.s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/production_version/ChromiaLauncherInstaller.exe.

2. Start the launcher, download the game and press play. You can create an account or login to your Chromia Vault account.

If you create a new account, please keep in mind to write down your seed phrase, since you will need to use the same account in the following steps.

3. You will then need to click on this link: play.myneighboralice.com/alpha-access, which will take you to the Alpha Access start page. On the page you will be able to see the different items and land you own after connecting your Metamask.

Alpha Access start page

4. In order to connect your Metamask (supported network: BSC) please click on “Connect Wallet”.

5. After successfully connecting your wallet, then you will need to link your Chromia Vault account, the same one from step 2.

6. Click on “Allow Plot moving” to enable your land plot to be moved in the following steps.

7. You will then be able to confirm that transaction (make sure to have a bit of BNB to pay the fees).

8. After a successful confirmation you are now able to move it to Chromia. Click on “Move to Chromia” to transfer your land plot from your Metamask (BSC) to Chromia.

Alpha Access page

9. You will then be able to confirm the transfer (make sure to have a bit of BNB to pay the fees).

10. After the confirmation is complete, you will see under your plot on the bottom right hand corner that your land is now on the Chromia blockchain (the BNB will turn into CHR) meaning that you can now enter the Alpha test.

11. After connecting to the Chromia blockchain the game starts up automatically.

We hope you enjoy the game!

Please take into consideration that this is an Alpha test, and that the game is still under development. There will be new mechanics, systems and even design in the upcoming alpha seasons. If you have any feedback, suggestions, ideas for improvement, things that you like to see more of, or encounter any bugs while playing, you can use the feedback button in the top left IN THE GAME to send us your feedback. We love to hear from you!

In-game feedback button

For more information about Alpha Season 1, please visit https://www.myneighboralice.com/

About My Neighbor Alice

My Neighbor Alice is a social online game with focus on resource gathering, crafting and creative expression. Players build their own virtual lands, interact with neighbors, perform exciting daily activities and earn rewards along the way.

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My Neighbor Alice
My Neighbor Alice

Written by My Neighbor Alice

My Neighbor Alice is a multiplayer blockchain builder game, where anyone can buy and own virtual islands, collect and build exciting items and meet new friends.

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