My Neighbor Alice Announces 2nd Land Sale Lottery: The Shaded Headland region of Nature’s Rest

We are excited to announce that My Neighbor Alice will hold a second land sale on July 21st, with daily snapshots and ticket staking! Shaded Headland, which is part of Nature’s Rest island, will be available for purchase this time. Staking snapshots are used to determine the winners will begin on Wednesday, July 28th.
The My Neighbor Alice team has worked diligently to improve the experience for all users from the first land sale. As a token of appreciation for the participants of the first land sale will all early pioneers receive 200 BONUS TICKETS!
We are excited to continue our journey with MNA and be a part of disruption in the NFT blockchain gaming industry. Prepare your CHR and ALICE tokens and get ready for My Neighbor Alice’s 2nd land sale lottery.
Key dates and details regarding My Neighbor Alice´s 2nd Land Sale Lottery.
- Amount of plots for sale: 1000
- Cost per plot: 50 ALICE
- Deposit Acceptance Start Date: July 21st
- Snapshot Start Date: July 28th at 10:00 UTC
- Snapshot End Date: August 11th at 10:00 UTC
- Land Sale Lottery Event Date: August 12th at 10:00 UTC
The following document will serve as a reference guide for participation in the event. This guide makes the following assumptions:
- You are familiar with the My Neighbor Alice game and the ALICE token
- You are familiar with Chromia and the CHR token
- You have a Metamask wallet and know how to use it
- You are familiar with the Land Sale Lottery Dashboard
- You have a basic knowledge of NFTs
- You have read through the T&Cs !
- Let’s get started!
The game world of MNA is divided into sections of land called Plots. A certain percentage of the plots in the game world will be made available for ownership to the public. These land plots will exist as NFTs that live on Binance Smart Chain.
The MNA Land Sale Lottery is a mechanism whereby users can win the right to purchase a plot of land. This land sale (the second one ever!) will be selling plots from the region of the game known as Shaded Headland in Nature’s Rest.
The following is a list of required steps for participation as well as all pertinent information:
- When the land sale lottery portal goes live, users must deposit 50 ALICE tokens in order to register their address. If the user is selected in the land sale lottery, these tokens will be used as a payment for the plot of land. If the user is unlucky and does not win, they may leave these tokens deposited for the next land sale or withdraw them.
- On July 28th, the 14 day ‘staking for tickets’ phase will begin.
- Depositing 50 ALICE tokens will automatically generate 50 tickets per day of staking for the user. In theory, you can win a plot of land simply by staking 50 ALICE. However, staking extra ALICE and/or CHR will generate extra tickets and give you a higher chance of being selected.
- Users receive one additional ticket per 1 ALICE staked, per day. ALICE tokens are staked directly in the land sale dashboard.
- Users receive one additional ticket per 20 CHR staked, per day. CHR tokens are staked through the Chromia staking portal at Staking Chromia will also earn you CHR rewards at a rate of 25% APR. Chromia can be staked both on Ethereum and BSC. Please note that there is a 14 day unstaking period for CHR tokens. Once you deposit CHR tokens to the staking contract, you must submit a withdrawal request and wait a full 336 hours (14 x 24) to withdraw your tokens.
- We also count tokens in LPs:
Pancake Swap: ALICE-BNB
7. At the end of the 14 days staking period, all of the tickets received are entered into a lottery. Addresses can only be selected once — after they win, the remainder of their tickets are removed from the lottery.
8. Addresses that were selected in Step 6 will be able to redeem the plot of land as NFT for 50 ALICE. At the conclusion of the sale, users that were not selected can choose to leave their ALICE deposited for the next land sale, or withdraw their tokens.
We’ve gathered the most frequently asked questions from our community to assist you better understand the land purchase and lottery process at My Neighbor Alice Land Sale.
Q: When will I be able to make a deposit?
A: From the 21st of July.
Q: When does the snapshot begin?
A: From the 28th of July.
Q: For how long do I need to stake my tokens?
A: You need to stake minimum 1 day to get 1 ticket.
Q: Which tokens are eligible to stake?
Q: When is the last day to start staking?
A: 28st of July + 14 days = August 11th (before 10:00 UTC.)
Q: Since you can get several lottery tickets, can one user buy more than one plot?
A: Theoretically, yes. Mind that one participant can only win one plot per lottery.
Q: How can you stake 50 ALICE when you are actually staking LP tokens?
A: User has to send 50 ALICE tokens for plot collateral (which will be held should he win the plot, or can be withdrawn otherwise), We will use the sending address and check how many tokens of that address are in liquidity pools. We might add locking contracts for people that don’t want to be liquidity providers should we see the need.
Q: Can we get bonus tickets for staking longer than 14 days?
A: No, you can get tickets for 14 days only.
Follow up Q: Is it a concern that liquidity pools will empty after the 14 days? Why not allow users to continue accruing tickets for subsequent sales?
A: We will continue to encourage people to participate in the liquidity pools and design yield farming programs in the near future. We will keep the land sales event separate from yield farming and for the follow-on land sales, we will inform the rules before the actual sales.
Q: Is this game only for rich people, what about the people who really want to play this game. It’s very expensive to buy land, even after a discount.
A: You don’t have to own land to be able to play and enjoy My Neighbor ALICE. 50% of the land will be reserved for rentals and public facilities. So even if you won’t be able to own a piece of land, you could still have fun in the game.
Land can be shared among friends (atm 10, but we plan to increase this limit). This means a lower cost per capita.
Q: In terms of “For CHR”, you could stake the tokens in the official staking contract”, you mean the staking on Chromia´s official website?
A: Yes,
Q: If I stake CHR and only hold CHR and win the lottery, will you convert my CHR to 50 ALICE to purchase the land or must I hold ALICE?
A: You need to also deposit 50 ALICE in order to be able to participate in the lottery.
Q: Where do I buy the land if I win the lottery?
A: On the My Neighbor Alice marketplace website
Follow up Q: Will winners be granted access to the marketplace website at the same time and just race to buy the land they want?
A: They win a specific — random — land. In the future we plan other sales mechanisms. So you can take your time to redeem the plot, no need to race.
Q: Why are you using this kind of model? Why can’t you offer land sales with a fixed amount for anyone to buy like other games have done.
A: We want to make the game accessible. If we had an auction only rich people would be able to buy the land. If we just have low prices there won’t be enough land available for everybody.
Q: When should they send the 50 ALICE to the address?
A: From 21st of July.
Q: What is the correct Uniswap link to the ALICE-ETH pair?
ALICE — BNB in Pancake Swap:
Q: In what form would the ticket be?
A: Digital on Chromia.
Q: What happens when my 50 ALICE in the liquidity pool fluctuates? Does that disqualify me for a ticket?
A: No, we calculate how many ALICE tokens you have at the time of the snapshot in the LP. So you can expect variation from one day to the other but your tokens will be counted. Mind that to participate you need to deposit 50 ALICE that won’t be in any pool.
Q: Do you have a fixed time in UTC on when you take the snapshots?
A: Yes. It’s 10:00 AM UTC.
Q: As I am staking CHR for the lottery tickets, and depositing ALICE for the possible land purchase, how do you guys know, I am the same person staking CHR and ALICE? Does it need to be from the same wallet?
A: We will issue tickets for the staking participants, and the receiving address will be the same as the address that participates in the land sales. Just make sure to link the two addresses on the marketplace.
Q: If my CHR has just been staked in the site since last year, do I need to restake it on the 21st or do I automatically qualify once I send the 50 ALICE over to signify my intent in joining?
A: You will automatically join once you deposited 50 ALICE.
Q: If I win twice in the lottery, do I need to send the 50 ALICE right away? When?
A: You will need to send in the 50 ALICE first before being qualified for the lottery. Mind that you can win only one plot per lottery.
Q: What happens to all of the ALICE bought from the land sale? Is it burned?
A: Proportion of the sales revenue from land sales will be contributed to the DAO in the future and that token holders could decide either a buy-back and burn design or to fund community development initiatives.
Q: Can I use LP tokens to farm? Will this affect their ability to get a lottery ticket? Since if LP tokens are in the farming pool, then their balance will not be displayed.
A: No, we count only the liquidity pools not farming pools
Q: Who is an Early Pioneer?
Early pioneer is a wallet who deposited 20 Alice and participated in the first land sale lottery.
Q: I deposited 20 ALICE in the previous lottery, am I eligible for this lottery?
A: No, unfortunately you will have to deposit 30 ALICE more in order to be eligible.
Q: How will I receive the 200 bonus tickets as Early Pioneer?
A: Tickets will be issued one day before the first snapshot.
Thank you for your support and good luck in the land sale!
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