The planned Q2 land sale is postponed to Q3
Dear Neighbors,
We missed the cut. As the title reads, the land sale we had planned for Q2 in our roadmap will happen in Q3 instead, which is very frustrating for us as we hoped we could give our community the opportunity to acquire land prior to the launch of our first Alpha Season.
We respect and have tons of appreciation & gratitude for our early investors, Alice HODLers and supporters... we were looking forward to giving you one more opportunity to test the game before everyone else.
As you all know, we are dedicated to creating the best possible game and put all our energy into making our Alpha Season launch as memorable as possible.
We will update our roadmap with a new target date for our next land sale shortly.
How to acquire land? Players and investors alike can buy land on the NFTrade platform where the land collection is verified.
In the meantime, we will keep working on the game, polish our upcoming marketplace and upcoming land sale.
Please note that the date of the Alpha Season launch remains June 30th. Remember that in order to access the Alpha Season 1 you need to own a plot of land. We wish all landowners a pleasant time with Alice in the Lummelunda Archipelago
Watch this space and follow our socials not to miss the launch of our marketplace.
Best regards,
The My Neighbor Alice Team
About My Neighbor Alice
My Neighbor Alice is a social online game with focus on resource gathering, crafting and creative expression. Players build their own virtual lands, interact with neighbors, perform exciting daily activities and earn rewards along the way.
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