“My Neighbor Alice: Island Spirits from Nature’s rest”
We would like to introduce to you the My Neighbor Alice Island spirits.
Open your eyes neighbors, you might see them around you really soon!
What is an Island spirit?
In the Lummelunda archipelago, small creatures run around the islands. Among the biodiversity, some of the creatures are called island spirits.
The island spirit is a little creature that takes advantage of empty spaces. He likes to steal objects and bring them into his nest when no one is watching over him.
What do they like?
Island spirits are present on all islands and can be seen in the most beautiful of the lands. As every island is unique with its biome and history, the island spirit has different interests and personalities.
The shy island spirit from Nature’s rest is clumsy but wants to help with all his being. This tends to make him break things…but remember that he is coming from a good place! His favorite spots to hide are the tiny little glowing flowers that populate Nature’s Rest or the cracks of the giant trees of the region.
What will they do?
Island Spirits will be found in all plots of Lummelunda, they will surely make their nests in your future house. You will interact with them and together grow a relationship.
We can’t wait for all of the neighbors to meet them!
About My Neighbor Alice
My Neighbor Alice is a social online game with focus on resource gathering, crafting and creative expression. Players build their own virtual lands, interact with neighbors, perform exciting daily activities and earn rewards along the way.
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