Enter the Neighborhood: AMA with the My Neighbor Alice Team

My Neighbor Alice
3 min readJan 1, 2024


Hey Neighbors!

Join us for an exciting and interactive Voice AMA session titled “Enter the Neighborhood: Q&A with the Team!” on Discord. This is your opportunity to explore the world of My Neighbor Alice and speak with the directors of our fully on-chain multiplayer game face-to-face.

Event Details:


  • Riccardo Sibani, Chief Product Officer (CPO)
  • Steve Haßenpflug, Game Director
  • Viktor Plane, Technical Director

Participation Mechanics and Rewards:

1. Pre-Selected Questions: We will pre-select five questions from our Discord community from January 1 to January 7, 2024. Each selected question will win $20 worth of $ALICE.

In order to submit your questions, please write your questions on our Discord Chit Chat Channel with hashtag #MNAAskMeAnything and tag Community Council.

2. Live Questions During the Event: Attendees can ask questions live. We will select five live questions, rewarding each with $35 worth in $ALICE.

3. Social Media Engagement: Engage with us on Twitter and Discord! We are incentivizing 10 random Twitter followers, retweeters, likers, and Discord joiners with $10 worth in $ALICE each. To participate, you will have to quote retweet the announcement with the format:

Discord Username: XXX
@Friend1 @Friend2
#MNA #AskMeAnything

NOTE: Make sure to provide your username correctly. Here’s a quick guide on how to get your Discord username.

4. Q&A by the Team to the Community: Before the AMA ends, we will pose three questions to the community based on the AMA session’s content. Each selected answer will be rewarded with $50 worth of $ALICE. So, make sure to stay and pay attention throughout the event.

How to Join:

  • If you haven’t already, join our MNA Discord Server.
  • Be there on January 11 at 16:00 CET for an insightful session.
  • Participate, ask questions, and engage with the My Neighbor Alice Team!

This AMA is not just a chance to learn more about My Neighbor Alice but also an opportunity to engage with the directors and the community. Whether you’re a long-time fan or just curious about the game, this is the perfect event for you.

So, step into our Neighborhood on January 11, immerse yourself in the creative world of ‘My Neighbor Alice,’ and be a part of a storytelling experience that is reshaping the virtual landscape!

Join Alice’s Channels:

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My Neighbor Alice

My Neighbor Alice is a multiplayer blockchain builder game, where anyone can buy and own virtual islands, collect and build exciting items and meet new friends.