Alice’s Fright Night NFT Sale was a Spooky Success

Hello Neighbors!
The Hallowe’en-themed NFT sale has come to a close, and we are happy to report that it was a smash hit. The Spooky Pouches sold out quickly, and many users are already reporting finding some very valuable goodies!

Some community members have expressed concern that the 350 cows distributed during the event will lower the value of cows sold in earlier events. We appreciate this concern and would like to take the time to give a brief explanation of the function animals/cows will play in the game, so the community can better understand our reasons for distributing this quantity.
My Neighbor Alice is a neighborhood where players come and fish, farm, and craft. Animals perform the important job of crafting materials and also synthesizing materials into unique NFTs, such as clothing or furniture. These NFT objects can be used by a player or sold to other players on the market.

Since cows and other animals fulfil this very important function, you are fortunate if you have managed to get your hands on one. You will be able to craft unique items yourself and also rent your animals out to others at your desired price when you are not using them. When designing a game world for hundreds of thousands of players, we must ensure that the supply of cows is high enough to serve everyone. The player population will always significantly outnumber the cow population. This means your animal will always be a relatively rare and valuable asset that can be used to generate additional revenue through gameplay.
To ensure that Alice’s neighborhood has enough animals to facilitate the crafting needs of the players, we will run animal adoption events at regular intervals. The animal supply will always be limited, but it cannot be so limited that it becomes impossible for players to find a rental animal to perform their crafting tasks.

A Big Thanks to all who participated!
We are very encouraged by the overwhelming demand we have received during all of our mystery NFT sales. The My Neighbor Alice team is always hard at work finding new and exciting ways to engage our audience — keep an eye on the announcements channel for the next opportunity!
See you all in the neighborhood!
What are “seasonal” and “limited edition” NFTs? — ‘Limited Edition’ applies only to the seasonable NFTs such as decorations and wearables. Animals are a vital source that enables crafting in the game economy, and we will need to populate Lummelunda with them. That’s why animals are excluded from being “limited edition or seasonable,” but they remain very rare and highly valuable.
Will there be more NFT sales from Alice? — In the near future, we will continue making the NFT sales but different from the Mystery Box structure.
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